Hey there :D Ridgy2rai here. Random stuff happened, and I again got reminded of how fairly small the amount of views I get on this page. A big thank you to those who do view this page, I appreciate it. So I'm going to go spout off about one or two or four or six or ten weird (and random) stuff that I happened to find. Like, seriously. And here, in no particular order of importance, weirdness or randomness, are... random stuff:
1. Gold came from OUTER SPACE
Is that weird or what? Apparently, all of the world's gold and platinum came from outer space, in some massive meteor shower... That somehow managed to last 200 million years, about four billion years ago. That's just WEIRD. According to some guy, who happens to be the author of Death By Black Holes and Other Cosmic Quandries, (and no, I didn't actually read the book. This was from an internet source) all this gold on earth started out in the center of a star. Oh, sorry, I meant in the center of a MASSIVE star. One that's oogles bigger than our sun.
2. I only just figured out that there was a 'Post Title' text box
Yes, I am that stupid. It was so blindingly obvious. I'm stupid.
O-kay! Back to randomness!
3. George Washington grew marijuana in his garden
That's right. He did. I'm not kidding, you can search it up on the net for all I care. Although, to be quite frank, it wasn't much of a garden. More of a farm. At this point in time, marijuana WASN'T ILLEGAL. Looks like it's around the time that tobacco thought to be good for you as well, so maybe they thought that marijuana had some medical value? e_o
4. In Kentucky, there is a law saying you must take a bath once a year
No kidding. They're serious. In Kentucky, America, there is a law that says you absolutely HAVE to take at least one bath per year. That might make sense to them, but to me, I seriously think it's unnecessary.
5. I made this blog out of pure boredom
What did you expect? I made it out of seriousness? I mean, seriously, just look at what this is based on! O_O
LOL I'm finished talking. Later people~
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