Monday, October 17, 2011

Exactly what in the world I've been up to lately. Not really, but you get the gist.

No, I haven't been wanking. *coughnotoftenanywaycough* Aaaanyway.... >.> Here's pretty much what happened:

 - I got into a fight with some aggro guy during sport. Results = not pretty. Not on the opposing side, anyway.
 - I have no idea why, but I ended up attending some banquet in a schmancy Incubus/Vampire suit, minus the cape and the wings. I'm not sure just how bad I looked in the suit, or how good, in any case, but it passed off as formal schtuff. At least I think it did.
 - I got up, saw random debates on random sites and started talking about philosophical schtuff - funny how I'm actually pretty good at it. If you're into that, it's going to be like, up for discussion as a 'general interests' topic on the next post.

I shall kind of... elaborate on what I just said. I have no idea why I'm using such a 'big' word but I am so shut up.

Random fight with a random guy - apparently, this guy was a leb. Not saying that there's anything wrong with that. Not of the stereotypical type - this one didn't bother threatening to call his cousins (thank whatever god[dess] is out there) and charged right at me when I said that he didn't have to be a dick about losing the game. He didn't take that very lightly. Yeah. He charged at me and started (failishly, I must say) punching my sides. Didn't work out well for him, though, 'cos that kinda left him open to me grabbing his neck area ._. (who taught this guy how to fight? Like, seriously?) He ended up being almost unconscious before the teacher had to break us up. Teaches him to charge at a guy who's crazy enough to kill :L

To that banquet thing - I think I only agreed to go because there was good food there. I had to dress up smart and fancy and schmancy and stuff - I didn't have any formal wear, so I went in an Incubus suit (not the showy one, one of the really formal Incubus suits... Like a vampire suit but without a cloak and without the fangs.) Like what Elatha wears.

^Something like that suit, except it's black, has no wings, horns or lanterns. Plus, I don't have blonde hair, and I don't look fem at all.
I had to say, the food was AMAZING - at least it wasn't a waste of two hours of my time. Plus, there were quite a few people to talk to, so I wasn't eating the entire time (which is good, I don't want to get FAT ._.)

Uhm... I think that's all? Stay tuned-ish for the next uhm... Weird update. It'd be on general interest/big debates/whatever so yeah.

Bored. As. Fuck.

Again. Yes, for the millionth time, I'm bored as fuck. So are 40321874279560960957432867345675470967 other people across the world. No, I don't know the real figures, I typed the keys on the keyboard randomly. You're probably bored as fuck, too, thus why you're reading this shizzle.

Sorry for not having posted the last 2 or so weeks? I haven't been bored for that long. Well, I have, but this was the only time I managed to grab to write this shizzle. In my next post: exactly what on earth this guy has been up to during the little break. Don't worry, it won't be boring.